“Each shamanic art and practice is a powerful way to deliver wisdom and insight into the heart of what ails you - from a time-tested and ancient way. I invite you to try this alternative approach.

…or contact me here.”

Shamanic palm reading - an ancient practice of interpreting the lines, skin condition, texture and color of the palms, and more.

“Palm wisdom reveals much about your key personality traits and life purpose. “

Huaca Hunt: a shamanic journey through the middle world to hunt for and identify a sacred physical object that is related to an issue or trauma that needs healing.

“A huaca hunt is a unique and beautiful way to start or augment a healing conversation.”

Soul Retrieval/Mending: a journey to seek out fragmented bits of one’s soul – broken off to protect one’s spirit during traumatic events – coaxing its return and reunification with the larger soul.

“A successful soul mending leaves one with a profound and deeper sense of wholeness.”

Cord Cutting: a journey to sever unhealthy strings or attachments, usually to ex-lovers or unhealthy family relations, but also bad habits, and even physical objects or locations.

“Cut the dark and unhealthy cords, while leaving the bright and healthy cords intact.”

Egg Reading: An egg has thousands of pores through which negative energies are easily absorbed. Reading the way an egg’s contents fall in a glass of water is an ancient way of interpreting a client’s physical, emotional and spiritual circumstances.

“The egg reading is another useful technique to initiate or expand on a conversation about healing” .

Candle Reading: A simple white candle can absorb a large amount of energies when rolled on the body. Reading its flame can reveal a world of information.

“A shamanic candle reading is a useful way to intuit the physical, emotional and spiritual state.”

Shamanic Reiki: the ancient arts of shamanism and reiki naturally mesh, enabling a more intuitive and freer form of energy healing.

“A shaman’s intuition and the healing universal life force energies of reiki are perfect together.”  

Spirit and Animal Guides: ancestors, animals, even plant and mineral spirits, are exceptionally eager to help us and have an unstinting devotion to our greater good.  

“Accessing your team on the other side… they’re rooting for you, dropping you hints, and showing the way.”

Platika : the art of exploring through conversation, leading to a consciousness and deeper understanding of how to heal oneself.

“A helpful practice that encourages greater self-awareness, “platika” supports the release of conceptions that are holding you back.”   

Andean Limpia Ceremony: a powerful and ancient Andean “cleansing” that clears negative energy, reintroduces positivity in its place, and seals the aura from unwanted negative tendencies. A limpia ceremony integrates several of the diagnostic and healing methods above. To learn more, click here.

“A“limpia” can be messy, but can also be an intensely transformational experience.”